25-27 Chertsey Street
Guildford Surrey GU1 4HD
Call us today on
01483 504705

Terms & Conditions

Specialist Dental Membership Terms & Conditions

Membership Terms & Conditions Payment

1.The patient agrees to pay a monthly dental plan fee.
2.In return for the monthly payment the patient will receive dental services as described.
3.Plan membership is for an initial term of 12 months.
4.After the initial 12 month term, plan membership may be terminated by either party giving 1 month’s notice as long as no further benefits are used from the plan, in which case another full year’s membership will apply.
5.The practice may increase the monthly dental plan fee by giving two month’s notice in writing to the patient.
6.In the event of the monthly dental plan fee being unpaid one month after it is due, plan membership will be terminated, and the termination will be effective from the last day on which the monthly dental plan fee was paid.
7.If membership is terminated within the initial 12 month term, the patient will be invoiced for the full cost of any discounted treatments provided as a plan benefit.
8.Failure to pay this invoice may require us to handing your account over to a debt collecting agency. Any actual and necessary costs incurred in obtaining the remaining payment from you will be added to the outstanding amount due for the contract. This is in line with the guidance from the Office of Fair Trading. We will be pleased to provide a breakdown explaining the additional costs which are incurred recovering any outstanding monies.
9.Up until a terminated membership is transferred to a debt collection agency, we would be happy to receive any outstanding invoiced amounts.
10.Where the invoiced amount is paid, we reserve the right to discontinue your membership if the amount of fees due is exceeded by the treatment value already used.
11.Termination of dental plan membership will also result in termination of the Supplementary Insurance.
12.The monthly dental plan fee will be paid by Direct Debit to PPD Ltd who collect the fee on behalf of the Specialist Dental. The patient acknowledges that PPD is a collecting agent and therefore has no responsibility for the standard or performance of the contract between the patient and Specialist Dental for the provision of dental services.

Membership Terms – Attendance

You will have complimentary inclusive checkup and hygiene sessions as part of your membership. Please be advised, that practice policy does still apply to membership patients. Although these appointments are included in your membership, failure to attend or late cancellationsmean valuable appointment time is wasted, which could have been used by another patient.

Our appointments, particularly at popular times (evenings and early mornings) are particularly oversubscribed. To maintain our very competitive pricing structure we ask members to help us avoid the wastage of appointment times.

So we ask that you keep your appointment slip for reference and also enable Mobile phone text reminders for your appointment.

1.Failure to attend without notice on one occasion will result in a fee being charged for any non-emergency cause.
2.A second failure to attend will mean the full cost of the session will be charged at the hygiene rate for each missed hour. An alternative would be removal of that single complementary session from your annual membership.
3.Late cancellations with less than 2 working days’ notice will result in a fee being charged.
4.Failure to attend or late cancellation is a valid reason for the termination of your membership.

So we ask that you keep your appointment card for reference and also enable Mobile phone text reminders for your appointments.


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